Nurse Clinics
At Hanson's all of our nurses are trained to perform consultations for certain conditions and we encourage using their knowledge to improve the health of your pets.There is always a member of staff available during our opening hours to dispense medications, flea treatments and bags of food. However, our fully qualified and experienced Veterinary Nurses also offer a number of complementary clinics to advise our pet owners on the following areas of preventative healthcare:
Please ask any member of staff how to book an appointment with one of our nurses.
Weight and dietary advice
As well as helping with weight loss, there are also specific diets to help manage medical conditions and age related problems. Our nurses will help to advise you about the best diet for your pet for each period of their life.
Flea and worming treatments
Our nurses will administer flea prevention treatment and worming tablets for pets that might object to being handled. They will also advise you how and when to worm them, how to prevent parasites and explain why it is so necessary to follow these regimes.
Senior’s clinics
This clinic is designed for pets over the age of 8 years. As our pets get older, their bodies stop working as well as they used to. Early and regular check-ups with us can help ensure that any problems are detected sooner and treated more effectively. In many cases modern medicine and techniques can often manage age-related illnesses and ensure your pet has a longer, healthier and happier life.
Nail clipping and administering injections
Our nurses are able to trim your pets’ nails and administer injections that have been prescribed by the vets for a reduced fee.