
Pet insurance is an important consideration in being a pet owner and selecting the correct pet insurance plan is equally important.

We strongly advise clients to consider taking out pet health insurance with a quality provider to account for situations where healthcare can become expensive, such as in long term conditions, if your pet needs to be referred to a specialist or if an operation is necessary.

When looking for an insurance policy you need to decide on what amount of cover you need. We would also advise that you check that the amount of cover you take is per condition so that if you are unfortunate and your pet experiences more than one complaint that you have adequate cover for each condition that is being treated/investigated. This is especially important in long standing conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and heart of kidney diseases where you can then be assured that your pet is covered.

This insurance cover just ensures that if your pet encounters health problems you are able to provide the best health care and treatment for them without the added consideration of veterinary fees.